hasuhime on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/hasuhime/art/Marauder-s-Map-Brush-Set-295793660hasuhime

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Marauder's Map Brush Set



So call me a nerd, but I'm a regular at this Harry Potter RP place called Aperitio, via a free program called Palace Chat. You basically wear an avatar and you can move around and from room to room, and it's set up to look like Hogwarts.

Anyway, I was making the background for one of the rooms and found myself wanting to create a Marauder's Map type thing, which led me to making this brush set from various photographs I found.

Feel free to do what you want with them as long as no money is involved, and by all means, if you're into HPRP, download palace and drop by aperitio.epalaces.com:9998 -- we're under construction for the time being but we're aiming to open in May and we're always looking for new members! :)
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thanks a lot, now i have to discover all your graphic designer world to build my daughter a marauder's map of our house :D